Affirmation The Positive Thinking

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Why Positive Thinking Is Crap

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There are a lot of books out there and so called guru's that would lead you to believe that this whole positive affirmation and positive thinking thing is something you should invest your time in. They would have you believe that by saying positive things and thinking positive things that you can create the life of your dreams and have anything you want. Though it is a good start, it is not any where near enough to talk positive and think positive. There is much more to it than just that.

Though I will admit that using positive affirmations and thinking positive is a good start toward realizing the life of your dreams, I will also admit that there is often a large piece of the puzzle missing in a lot of information out there on the topic. What much of the information on the subject of positive talk and thinking is missing is substance. Words are just words, and the words themselves have no power. Words are nothing more than sounds strung together to create something that we all recognize and understand. Words themselves though have nothing in them. It is the substance of what is being said that makes the difference. It is the essence behind the words that creates your reality.

Imagine this for a moment. Have someone who doesn't really care about you take a look at you and tell you that they love you. How do you think that would feel? Would you believe it even if you didn't know they didn't like you? You probably wouldn't believe them. I am sure there are times where someone who does love you says I love you and it just doesn't have the punch to it that it does at other times. Now think back to a time when you were with someone you love who also loves you back. A time where the moment was great and there was an incredible connection. A time where everything was magical and they told you that they loved you. I would bet there was much more behind the words that time. An essence that could only be felt. A substance that made those words more valuable than anything else at that moment. This is the substance that must be behind every positive thought and positive affirmation if it is to serve you and help you realize the life of your dreams.

When you touch upon this substance, you begin to realize that it runs much much deeper than just the sounds coming out of your mouth or the thoughts flowing through your head. It runs to the emotional core of your being. When you know you love someone and you look at them and tell them you love them, every ounce of your being believes it. Every single atom in your body is in complete agreement with your words. There is an essence behind those words that is obvious to people. We all know this. We have all heard someone say something only to get the response "that's not what you said." We know that their body language and the energy of their words said something completely different than the actual words they chose to use. The message was completely clear and obvious.

So when it comes to positive affirmations and using positive thinking, it is not enough to just say or use the words. You must learn to convince yourself that what you are saying is true. You must learn to really feel that what you are saying is the absolute truth. If there is even a hint of doubt in your being, the words will be useless. Even the hair on your feet must be yelling in agreement with the words you use or the thoughts you choose. Learn to pay attention to what you are feeling as you begin to practice and use positive thinking and affirmations. Learn to recognize when you are not in complete alignment with what you are saying. It is ok to be honest with yourself. Not listening or trying to ignore what your emotions are telling you will only cause more problems for you in the long run. If you realize that something is not quite right, you can begin to take action to change those feelings of doubt and confusion into feelings of complete agreement. So don't just practice positive affirmations and thinking, also practice positive feeling. Positive knowing. Positive being.

Dwayne Gilbert is the founder of and has been helping people in the area of self-protection and personal development for 10 years. He has authored some of his own books and currently teaches people self-defense and personal development strategies and tactics. To get more information on the law of attraction and how to apply it, visit

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