Affirmation The Positive Thinking

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Affirmations on CD - Subliminal Messages and Affirmation in Music

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Affirmations are a very healthy and natural way to bring happiness in our lives. An affirmation is a thought we think or words we say to our self. These thoughts and sayings are directly linked to our sub-consciousness which guides our consciousness in a certain direction. These directions can either lead to a positive or negative change. By listening to affirmations on CD, you can create positive change in your life every day through the use of the subliminal messaging power that the affirmations on CD can create.

Everyday we have thousands of thoughts and many of which we repeat over and over again. Everyone wants these affirmations to work positively for them but with our busy lives we are not able to give much thought to them or are not able to perform an affirmation technique successfully. For this reason many affirmation CDs are created and are easily available in the market.

Different affirmation CDs cover many areas of life, such as self-esteem problems, general positive affirmations, spiritual awareness, helping with a weight problem, gaining a healthy life, for happiness and many more are easily available. These discs are available from many online retailers, and many local hypnotists can also create a customized versions for you.

The price of these items on the internet is around $20. However, you can create your own affirmations on CD quickly and easily if you use special software to record your own voice. This is not anywhere near as difficult as it sounds. Once you have the software and understand the basics of writing positive affirmations, you can create a powerful disc in less than one hour. And, the best part of using your own software is that you can create custom subliminal messages to deal with your own particular problems, and you can make as many products as you would like.

To achieve your goals with these products, you need to listen to them many times a day. For example, when you get up in the morning, play the music while getting ready for work, school or any place you are planning to go. Also try listening to it while you are in your car, when you are a little bit distracted by the message. Listen to it during later part of the day as well and even before going to bed. While you work, play an affirmation CDs in the background as your subconscious listens to everything that plays around you. It is even suggested that if you listen to affirmation CD’s while you sleep, it also helps you achieve your goal as your subconscious listens to it while your mind is at rest.

The idea with affirmations on CD is to allow the messages to pervade your unconscious mind, which is best done when you are not concentrating on the music or the message itself. When you are distracted, you operate on autopilot, and that is when the unconscious mind is best able to be influenced. This is similar to what happens when you get a song stuck in your head; the song was likely heard on the radio when you were driving, or playing in the background when you were talking with your friend. Sometimes we don't know exactly when the message will sink in, or even if it is happening. With subliminal messages and affirmations, there is a time delay. For the majority of people, change may not happen immediately, but it will happen over time. For others, they will notice a change right away.

Affirmations constantly need to be repeated over a period of time before affirmations can become effective. Patience is a main factor while following this regiment. It takes time for our mind to completely accept new positive affirmations and start believing them to be true. After this our conscious then guides us towards a goal which we have planned to achieve through these affirmations CDs. Reaching your goal can take from many week to months but affirmation CDs do, in fact, work.

Affirmations on CD are a very good choice and once you introduce them into your life, it will give you a positive result and change your life forever.

Robert Watson is a certified hypnotherapist with the ABH and the NGH, and has worked with affirmations and subliminal messages for over ten years. Visit his website for more information about using affirmations and subliminal messages to help you lose weight, quit smoking, have a more positive outlook and more.

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