Affirmation The Positive Thinking

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Positive Thinking

Life Strategies For Helping You Help Yourself

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The power of positive thinking, you have probably heard this sentence before, but what does it mean and how can we train ourselves so positive thinking becomes automatic?

For most people unfortunately, negative thinking is more common than positive thinking. Most people through the day have a lot more negative thoughts about themselves, their situations, or their workplace, than positive thoughts.

Why is this?

It seems like children from the time they are born, think positively, but as children age into adults, they start to think more negatively about themselves and others. So how can we change this?

The way to change this is to try to be more deliberate in your thoughts. Try to monitor your thoughts through the day, and as soon as you catch yourself thinking negatively about a situation you must stop yourself and try to come up with some positive thoughts.

Like trying to break any bad habits it takes time. Most experts think that it takes 21 days to form a habit or 21 days to break a habit. So you have to try and work hard at trying to think positively for at least 21 days.

The good news is that once positive thinking becomes a habit for you it becomes automatic. This is when life really begins for you. Imagine what your life would be like if you had no negative thoughts. Every thought you have is about how great your life is and how grateful you are for each person in your life.

Well you don’t have to only image a life like that; you can start living it right now. Make positive thinking a habit in your life.

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