Affirmation The Positive Thinking

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

The Secret Power Of Positive Thinking

Life Strategies For Helping You Help Yourself

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70 miles north of New York City is the home of positive thinking, Pawling, New York. Pawling is a town of Optimists and one Optimist that put this town on the map was Dr. Norman Vincent Peale. Known as the Father of the Positive Thinking and Motivational movement in the 1950’s and Founder of the Center for Positive Thinking, Peale’s sprit can still be felt on Pawling’s streets. Residents of Pawling have a lot to feel upbeat about too! Real estate values and salaries are above the national average.

“If we can change our thinking we can change our lives”. This was a central theme to Dr. Peale’s message and belief system that he shared with millions of people. If you find yourself in tough circumstances, instead of giving in to negative thoughts and thinking try the old “glass is half-full, not half-empty” approach to life. I believe that what the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve! Truly effective positive thinking requires that you focus on positive thoughts and positive emotions and take positive action. Positive People maintain a positive frame of mind and think about the possibilities for growth and success that life offers. They have an attitude of positive expectancy. They expect happiness, health, love and good relationships. They think in terms of 'I will succeed, I can, etc. The benefits of positive thinking are:

Achieving goals and attaining success.

Better relationships with family & friends

Greater happiness.

More energy.

Greater inner power and strength.

The ability to inspire and motivate yourself and others.

If you follow these simple yet tried and true suggestions to incorporating positive thinking into your life and work you will be amazed at the results!

Doug Dvorak is the CEO of DMG Inc., a worldwide organization that assists clients with productivity training, corporate humor and workshops, as well as other aspects of sales and marketing management. Mr. Dvorak's clients are characterized as Fortune 1000 companies, small to medium businesses, civic organizations and service businesses. Mr. Dvorak has earned an international reputation for his powerful educational methods and motivational techniques, as well as his experience in all levels of business, corporate education and success training.

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