Affirmation The Positive Thinking

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Pitfalls of Positive Thinking - How To Avoid Them

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I believe you must have heard umpteen times people telling you to have positive thinking in order to succeed in life. I’m a firm believer of that as well. In fact, I’m also a practitioner of positive thinking. However, positive thinking have it’s pitfalls as well. Understanding it pitfalls will prevent you from falling in it, causing you to drift away from your success. Below are just a few: Pitfall 1 of positive thinking :

Think and no actions – When I first started out developing the habit of positive thinking, I’ll always tell myself that my situation will be better, I’ll be able to make more money, I’ll be able to solve any problems. And life goes on. Everyday, I’ll tell myself the same things, and after a while, I realized that I’m still at the starting point. The reason lies in thinking and no actions. Taking massive actions after your positive assurance will bring you closer to success. By merely positive thinking won’t.

Harnessing the power of positive thinking together with taking massive actions. When you start taking actions to overcome your obstacles that lies in between you and your success requires a lot of energy. When you’re face with an obstacles, use the power of positive thinking to open your mind, tapping your creativity in getting the problem solved.

Pitfall 2 of positive thinking :The ostrich mentality –

Someone once told me that when the male ostrich encountered any hunters, it will eventually put its head into the sand, believing that if they can’t see the hunters, they’re safe. I’ve to admit I used to be an ostrich. And it brought me to nowhere. Hiding away from issues, and believing that it’ll go away will not help you inch closer to your success.

Facing the issue face-to-face will allow you to learn how to handle such issues in the near future, gaining precious experience. Instead of misuing the power of positive thinking, making yourself believing that the issue will go away, tackle the issue head on. And leverage the power of positive thinking to propel yourself forward, giving you an extra boost of energy to tackle the issue head on.

The power of positive thinking can give you leverage, providing additional booster to propel you towards your success. It can also deter you from advancing forward. Don’t misuse the power of positive thinking. Learn to make full use of it, and I’ll see you at the end of your success path!

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