Affirmation The Positive Thinking

Monday, October 22, 2007

Positive Thinking For Your Golf Game

Life Strategies For Helping You Help Yourself

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Here's a little known secret on how to instantly improve your golf game without a lesson or new golf equipment.

Filling your mind with positive thoughts and encouraging beliefs can empower you to play better golf than what you have been playing. Even if you've never tried this, or can not release your full potential, you will actually see and feel yourself making improvements in your golf game. Using positive thinking to improve your golf game or your life can changing.

When you use positive thoughts, words, images that are conducive towards your growth and use them for the betterment of your game, you're using positive thinking. Positive thinking on the golf course involves using positive affirmations and visualizations. Your goal is to eliminate any negativity in your mind. This is critical for you to do before you step into your pre-shot routine. If you are visualizing the ball curving off into the trees yet again, your result will probably be just that.

Even though many golfers have heard about the benefits of positive thinking to improve their golf scores or have seen partners that have had success, sadly, they still haven't tried the idea to bring improvement to their games. The problem with the golfers is that they are not informed enough to make a sound judgement and have not even tried the method of positive thinking in their games. It amazes me that people that can run huge businesses and corporations, and have had success at it, seem puzzled with the concept of positive thinking on the golf course. There are numerous articles, books, lectures, and papers written on the subject. Positive thinking on the golf course can be the major factor to bringing more success to everyone's golf game.

Clint Hitchcock (The Simple.Golf.igist)
Deer Park, TX
Have you ever asked yourself how you can take your golf game to the next level?

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