Affirmation The Positive Thinking

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Create Your Own Free Daily Affirmation Program That Works

Life Strategies For Helping You Help Yourself

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Affirmations, why do some work and some don’t? Many people have life altering success with positive affirmations, while others give up on them altogether.

For the last 5 years, I have studied positive affirmations and have come up with a Three Part Plan that should help even those of us who have had no previous success.

What are affirmations? Affirmations are Statements that you use to make “something firm”. The process of using affirmations is actually ancient. Biblically, they’ve also been referred to as “confessions”.

There are hundreds of books, tapes, CD’s, computer software and even jewelry that have ways to use Affirmations. However, it’s important to know why using these Statements with certain methods will bring immediate results, while others bring nothing but headaches.

Take a look at this Bible Verse Faith Cometh By Hearing and Hearing by the Word of God- Romans 10:17. Think about this for a moment, if Faith comes by hearing, what do we hear? Our voice, right? If our words are positive, then our life experiences tend to be positive.

Unfortunately, each Truth has a reciprocal. If you are Confessing nothing but the negative, your bound to get what you don't want. It’s that simple. Proverbs 2 says that You are snared with the words of your mouth.

Therefore, you’re first step is to curb your tongue. Think of your tongue as a rudder, it can literally turn your life in any direction that you want it to go. It takes a little effort to become aware of how many times in a day you make a negative statement, or profess something that you don’t want to happen. Affirm the positive! Always concentrate on what you want to happen! And NOT what you don't want to happen And, definitely do so Out Loud! If you want to get faster results, make a tape stating each confession 3 times. Listen to this tape as your drifting off to sleep and when you first awake. You should even record your Detailed Description and place it at the end.

Next, Write your Affirmations. When I want to make a change in my life, I write out at least 15-20 specific related Statements. Additionally, I create and write a very Detailed Description of how my life will be once these changes have manifested. I always focus on one goal at a time. In other words, I don’t try to loose weight and attract wealth simultaneously. Results come from intense focus!

Every day I write these affirmations at least 3 times each and in different tenses (i.e. "I am always in the right place at the right time"- "Janet is always in the right place at the right time"). It takes about an hour, but it is well worth it because when I am writing these affirmations, my mind is quiet, focused and extremely receptive. Again, I am focusing on what I want, and NOT what I am trying to change.

Finally, keep these affirmations in front of you as often as possible. This is done in two ways; that which is “seen” and that which is “unseen”. Personally, I have experienced dramatic results with a customized computer program that flashes my affirmations continuously and unobtrusively while I am working or surfing the internet. I also tape a list of my affirmations to my bathroom mirror, in my day planner, car dashboard, etc.

In addition to this computer software, I also meditate on my Detailed Description daily. I visualize my new life in as much detail as I can. I usually take about 15 minutes in the morning and evening to do this.

Know this, it is just as easy to have Faith in the "undesired" as it is to have Faith in the “desired”. Ask yourself, "What will I have Faith in?" Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.- Hebrews 11:1 Remember, you only need Faith in the size of a mustard seed!

Follow these 3 Steps and you will build your Faith that these Affirmations will manifest. Remember, As a Man Thinketh, So is He.

Janet has been studying the Power of Affirmations for the Last 5 years. Until recently her results were medicore at best until she stumbled upon a simple to use Software Program that turns any Computer Screen into a Manifestation Machine. In fact, it's been proven to Enhance the Manifestation of Your Deepest Desires by 500%. Go To and Make Your Dreams a Reality.

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