Affirmation The Positive Thinking

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Daily Affirmation Is MORE Than Just A Good Idea

Life Strategies For Helping You Help Yourself

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Daily affirmations can change your life. They are a direct and powerful approach to creating the perfect future for yourself. The reason DAILY affirmation works so well is because it gets refocused on what's important each day. Our minds are bombarded with all these things that demand our attention. Daily affirmation keeps you focused.

We are responsible for taking care of our families, special projects at work, church, volunteer positions, PTA, school plays, and so on. We are so focused on helping others that sometimes we neglect ourselves. We must purposefully give special attention to ourselves each day. Some believe it is selfish to spend time thinking and focusing on what you want. I believe it grounds you. When you are kind, loving, and compassionately giving to yourself, it has been my experience that it is easier to fulfill the obligations you have made with others.

Daily Affirmations are not designed to be lengthy. My affirmations may be longer than usual because I shout my affirmations while I exercise, which is usually an hour. Successful affirmations can be done within five to fifteen minutes, depending on the size of your goals list.

In addition to keeping your focus, affirmations create within us the belief that we can actually do what we affirm. Not only that, but the confidence needed to act upon it. Confidence and action will always accompany strong daily affirmation. Keep in mind, you deserve to have your life exactly the way you want it. With that said, depending upon what you want and the person you currently are, the things you want may be out of your grasp right now.

I hate to say it, but the success you seek may not come overnight. In fact, if it does, I will be greatly surprised. I really believe our daily affirmations determine our actions. And through our constant belief and actions, we turn into the person that can easily achieve the goals we've set for ourselves and even more. Whey you affirm to the world who you are committed to becoming, and what you are committed to having, an invisible force kind of takes over and supernaturally helps you achieve them.

Affirmations are worth investing in daily. The process of taking you from where you are to where you'd like to be is likened to investing in yourself beforehand, and gaining a high return a short time later. You deserve it.

You deserve to have your life exactly the way you want it!!!

Everyone here at Self Empowerment Network believes in you and your ability to create the exact future you desire.

Demond is the owner of Self Empowerment Network where visitors can get an accurate Personal Mission Statement. Demond has been a freelance writer for several years. He has over seven years experience helping others change their lives through life coaching. Demond seeks to empower all he encounters. For additional affirmation resources, Demond recommends that you visit:

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