Affirmation The Positive Thinking

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Become Wealthy Through Positive Thinking and Desire

Life Strategies For Helping You Help Yourself

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Napoleon Hill, the author of Think and Grow Rich, believes that an individual does not have to be a genius to become rich. Anyone can get rich if he or she thinks positively and has a burning desire to accomplish his goal.

Positive Thinking: You have to visualize your financial goals and know that you can attain them. Own it.

If you begin making up every excuse under the sun why you cannot succeed, pinch yourself. You have to discipline your body and mind to think positive thoughts. You can achieve greatness, even if you aren't the smartest, most talented, or most attractive person on the planet. Success is your if you'll just allow it to come into your life.

Burning Desire: Napoleon Hill tells a true tale of a man named Edwin Barnes who desired to become Thomas Edison's partner. Probably all of us would have mocked him if we had lived in his time. Edwin Barnes was an unknown. However, he had a burning desire, a consuming obsession, and he was determined. He traveled to Thomas Edison and convinced him to hire him. He didn't immediately achieve his goal, but he worked hard and ultimately became Thomas Edison's partner. This was a feat everyone thought was impossible.

Edwin Barnes followed these seven steps to achieve success:

  1. Choose a definite dream.
  2. Put all your energy into that goal.
  3. Be content to go one step at a time.
  4. Visualize your dream.
  5. Form a plan.
  6. Stick it out.
  7. Remove any way to retreat.


As you focus on obtaining your goals, write down your answers to these questions: What is the exact amount of money I want? What am I willing to give for it? What exact date do I want this money by? What's my plan?

Don't forget, successful people do not believe in defeat. What looks like defeat is really a awesome opportunity. Start creating opportunities out of failures and becoming successful today!

To learn more about obtaining wealth visit our Rich Dad Poor Dad page. A college student herself, Elise Fisher loves writing articles to help college students learn more and other finance options.

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    Monday, November 12, 2007

    Positive Thinking Your Way to Direct Selling Success

    Life Strategies For Helping You Help Yourself

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    The complaints are the same, only the names and faces of the consultants have changed. "No one wants to book parties." "I can't find anyone who wants to sell!" "I can't find anyone that is interested!" "This is too hard!" "I'll never make it to leader."

    If you are a leader with a Direct Selling company you've probably heard this from your downline. If you are a consultant you've probably had these thoughts or voiced these concerns to your upline.

    Of all the things you can do to "increase your chance for failing" having a negative attitude is number one on the list. The problem is, when we focus on what we don't want to happen, we are actually creating the environment to continue more of the same thing. Come on, you know what I'm talking about. We become what we think about every day. If we consistently think that we can't book any parties, WE WON'T BOOK ANY PARTIES! If we consistently think it's hard to sponsor, IT WILL BE HARD TO SPONSOR!

    So, can changing your thinking really change the outcome. Yes and No! Changing your thinking cannot change the outcome all by itself. You need to change your thinking as well as change your habits to change the outcome.

    Here are a few ideas that can help you change your life to have successful outcomes. Take a notebook and draw a line down the center of the page. At the top of the column write Positive on one half and Negative on the other half. Then every day for a week, write down everything that comes into your thoughts under one of the columns. At the end of the week take a serious look at what you have been thinking about for the week. If you have over 50 percent of your thoughts on the negative side you are sabotaging yourself. Now, I'm not a "Pollyanna" (OK, maybe I am) and I know that all of us have some negative thoughts once in awhile but we need to make sure that there are two to three times more positive thought than negative to create an environment for change.

    If you haven't already passed out from the shock of the previous exercise then it is time to take what we have learned and create an environment to change. It often takes an action to become "aware of the negative thought" and immediately replace it with a positive thought!

    I practiced a technique that I learned from Mark Victor Hansen in "The One Minute Millionaire" that involved having a rubber band on your wrist. Every time you have a negative thought you snap the rubber band and replace the thought with a positive one. Your goal is to go a week without snapping the rubber band. Trust me, this is not easy. We are often pre-conditioned to think of the worst rather than the best possible outcome. Do something each day for a week that will include consciously changing your negative thoughts to positive ones. Think of yourself as already being the person you want to become. If you are looking to move to a leadership position with your company, put the vision in your head. If you would look and act differently make sure you include this mental picture of what you would look like into your vision.

    After two to four weeks of training your brain to think positively rather than negatively, it's time to begin DOING things that will change the outcome. Remember, it's not just enough to change your thoughts, you also need to change your actions. If you've been thinking to yourself, "No one wants to have a party" and you've changed your thoughts to "everyone I meet is interested in my product and the opportunity to earn some by hosting a party", you will begin to act differently when you come in contact with people. Instead of avoiding people and being afraid to call you will be anxious to share with prospects and find a way that will be a "win-win" situation for everyone.

    Refrain from returning to your "old bad thoughts and bad habits". It takes at least 21 days to create a new habit. I have been walking 3 miles every Monday through Friday morning for over 20 years and yet last winter when the weather was bad and I skipped a few weeks of walking I found that it took me about 3 weeks to get back into the habit.

    Become persistent at having positive thoughts and actions and try not to let anything or anyone get in your way. Continually replace negative thoughts and actions with positive thoughts and actions and you will notice the difference within a few weeks. As Mark Victor Hansen states in "The One Minute Millionaire", control your thinking and you will control your behavior, control your behavior and you will control your results. It all begins with you!!!

    Looking for the best resources of how to succeed in Direct Selling? Go to for Direct Selling strategies.

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    Sunday, November 11, 2007

    Inner Beauty Strategy - Confidence and Positive Thinking

    Life Strategies For Helping You Help Yourself

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    First of all, why is inner beauty important?

    We have all met people in our lives – women (and men for that matter) – who are physically beautiful to look at on the outside. But when you get to know their personality and who they are on the inside, and it’s not very pleasant, didn’t it make you look at that person in a less desirable light?

    In fact, that person’s outer beauty may have even diminished because you caught a glimpse of what was on the inside.

    Or how about the reverse scenario? How many times have you met someone who may not have been a drop-dead gorgeous knockout, but once you got to know them and how beautiful they were on the inside, their outside physical appearance actually seemed to change – they were even more attractive to you than you remembered them being upon first meeting them?

    When it comes right down to it, no matter how beautiful a person is on the outside, if it were all tragically stripped away somehow and they did not have their inner beauty taken care of, what would they be left with?

    You see, the inner beauty is what makes the outer beauty even more stunning. And in the complete package, this complete beauty turns heads and becomes unforgettable to those they meet.

    It would be advisable to focus most of your efforts on inner beauty strategies first. If you have your inner beauty developed, you will always be completely beautiful!

    Let's take a look at the first strategy of inner beauty: confidence and positive thinking.

    Why is confidence and positive thinking so important when it comes to being a complete beauty?

    Self-confidence is arguably one of the most important things you can have. Self-confidence reflects your assessment of your own self-worth. It will play a large part in determining your happiness throughout life.

    Self-confidence allows you to take risks, as you have enough confidence in your own abilities to be sure that if things do go wrong, you can put things right.

    The way in which you are self-confident is important: if you are under-confident, then you will not take risks that need to be taken. If you are over-confident, then you can end up not trying hard enough and losing.

    Confidence should be based on observed reality. It should be based on the achievement of performance goals: you should be confident that you will perform up to your current abilities.

    Good self-confidence comes from a realistic expectation of success based on well practiced skills, respect for your own competence, and adequate preparation.

    The success attained should be measured in terms of achievement of personal performance goals, not achievement goals such as winning.

    Where you are under-confident, you will commonly suffer from fear of failure (which will prevent you from taking risks effectively), self-doubt, lack of concentration, and negative thinking.

    Often you may find yourself blaming yourself for faults that lie elsewhere. Here you should use suggestion, visualization, and effective goal-setting to improve your self-confidence and self-image.

    Over-confidence is dangerous - it can lead you into situations which you do not have the ability to get out of. It can set you up for serious failure that can devastate the self-confidence you should have.

    Over-confidence is confidence that is not based on ability: it may be a result of misleading or pushy parents or others trying to help you without understanding your abilities, may be caused by vanity or ego, or may be caused by positive thinking or imagery which is not backed up by ability.

    Goal setting is probably the most effective way of building self-confidence. By setting measurable goals, achieving them, setting new goals, achieving them, and so on you prove your ability to yourself.

    You are able to prove to yourself that you are able to perform and achieve effectively. You can see and recognize and enjoy your achievement, and feel real self-worth in that achievement.

    Importantly, by knowing what you are able to achieve, you are not setting yourself up for surprise failure - you almost always have a reasonably accurate assessment of what your abilities really are, which is unclouded by ego or vanity.

    Imagery is also useful in building self-confidence, but only if properly applied.

    Imagery should be used to imagine achievement of a goal that is being worked towards in order to help you to believe that that goal is attainable.

    Imagery can help you “draw a picture” in your mind’s eye of becoming a more beautiful you!

    For complete beauty, start with your inner beauty first.

    Discover more secrets of complete beauty - learn the same tricks, techniques and formulas used by Kim LaPlante, a United States pageant winner, model and national spokesperson:

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    Wednesday, November 7, 2007

    Control Your Situation Using Positive Thinking

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    The power of positive thinking is undeniable.

    Every once in a while, everyone becomes distracted, unfocused, and disheartened, especially when it seems that nothing is going your way. Now, you could let your mood and the events around you dictate how you respond and make a seemingly bad day worse, or you could harness the power of positive thinking and demand that the negative emotions you are experiencing relinquish control over your life.

    I will be the first to admit that it is much easier to tell someone that thinking positive will help in a less than ideal situation than it is to actually get that individual to believe and cooperate. There have been times in my life, and maybe some of your lives too, when I did not know where the next meal was coming from or if I would return home to a cold dark house, because I could not afford the utility bill.

    There are far more people just barely "making it" than we would like to believe, and this is why we should practice positive thinking on a daily basis. It is about controlling your situation instead of allowing your situation to control you. When we implement a routine of daily positive thinking in our lives, we enable ourselves to mentally rise above our immediate situations. This is the first step towards actually unleashing the power of positive thought in our lives.

    Once your subconscious mind becomes receptive to the practice of daily positive thinking (and believe me, there will be some resistance at first), you become more fully able to accept that you are worthy of better in life and begin to attract more positive outcomes than negative in your day to day living.

    If it is difficult for you at first to allow the power of positive thinking in your life, start small. After all, you have to crawl before you can walk. Make a conscious effort to search out and look for the positive in every situation. Sometimes, depending on the situation, this may be darn near impossible, but try anyway.

    Make a habit of stopping to reflect on all the positive things that happen in your life daily. It may even be a good idea to keep a journal; so that whenever you are feeling down, you can pick up your journal, read it, and reflect on the positive thoughts that you have written. Remember, it all starts with just one small step.

    Discover the "Secrets" that have been left out of The Secret DVD. Download your Wealth Accelerator free report here. Further recommended Self-Improvement and Personal Growth resources -

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    Tuesday, November 6, 2007

    What Is An Affirmation

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    Monday, November 5, 2007

    On Positive Thinking and Success: A Letter to My Son

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    Muhammad, my beloved son,

    I was truly delighted beyond words when I called you this afternoon. It has been 10 full moons since I left you and your brother Omar in The Gambia (West Africa) to set sail for the USA in search of knowledge. Many are the nights and days when I think about you and miss you so badly. But today it was like you are right here in front of me. I could see the joy marked on your innocent face as you sang me the following lines:

    Twinkle twinkle little star How I wonder what you are Up above the world so high Like a diamond in the sky

    My son, words would never be sufficient in describing the joy I got from hearing your melodious voice chant out the very rhyme I sang some two score and 5 years ago. Indeed you are in grade one at an age much younger than I started grade school but I am very proud at your progress.

    Son I want to share with you, nay with all children, black white or brown, the promise that is so gingerly held in the rhyme you sang for me. Now listen for I shall tell you something that if you will hold on to tenaciously, success will be yours now and forever. Both in this world and in the hereafter by the grace of the Almighty God who has made you and me and the entire universe.

    Muhammad, that star that you wonder about in that rhyme is none but YOU. YOU are that star that is up above the world so high. You are born a star, and you shall continue to rise as a star. Every child is born a star. It is us the elderly generation, who in our intelligent ignorance flood your minds with all sorts of negative thinking and self-destructive habits. We are the ones who tell you everything that you cannot do. We are the ones who destroy your self-esteem and self-confidence before you take your first step into the world.

    Yet believe me whatever I or anyone else teaches you that is contrary to being that star can indeed be unlearnt. But now that you are still a child innocent and full of hope, you must grow up always remembering that you are (to put it in your mum’s poetic verses) full of blond means, not without dreams

    You are that giant star hanging out there in the sky waiting to be full blown when you come of age. In the Desiderata you are told this great fact. Consider the author to be speaking directly to YOU; yes no one but YOU my son. Says the great mind

    you are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars. You have a right to be here.

    Yes, you heard it right son, what the author says is indeed true for you are no less than the trees and the stars. So just in case you think I am throwing nice words to you because you are my son. Now you’ve heard it from someone who knows you not. You are truly that star twinkling up above the world so high, like a diamond in the sky.

    You did tell me during today’s conversation that French soccer hero Zinedine Zidane is your star as you watch this year’s world cup.

    Now let me tell you how zidane came to be the world star that he is. He first looked for what makes him happy and found the answer in soccer. The multi-talented star who, I understand is also a karate star, focused on soccer and the rest, as they say, is history. A summary of Zidane’s philosophy could be found in his own words. On the occasion of his debut match for Cannes football club in 1989, zidane’s said this:

    I discovered that the passion of my life was football and, I thought I could go far through work, responsibility and perseverance.

    And now my dear son, I will give you the words of our national kora musical star Jaliba Kuyateh who sang a great song for children. Hold on to these words and move on in your journey to stardom!

    A jouney of a thousand kilometres starts with a step, so take your step children Leading to your paradise Leading to your paradise…

    God bless you my beloved son, you and all the children of this world, white black or brown, you are all stars. So be the star that you are born to be."

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    Sunday, November 4, 2007

    The Power of Positive Thinking: Unlimited Possibilities

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    Does negative thinking pay? Is it desirable for me to encourage thoughts in my mind that break down, hinder, and incapacitate me for good work? Do I want negative thoughts that inevitably bring discontent, unhappiness, and ultimate failure in their train?

    Your answer will be, of course, that you do not want them. But such thoughts work insidiously, and will find an entrance into your mind if you are not extremely vigilant. The surest way to keep them out, however, is to fill the mind completely with vital positive thoughts, to think constantly of yourself as a man of unlimited possibilities, growing daily in mental and spiritual power, equipped for great things, a necessary part of God's glorious creation, and moving forward toward a triumphant and immortal destiny.

    It is difficult to construct positive thoughts out of the poor stuff from which dreams are made. A man should devote himself particularly to the practical things of life. Some men learn this lesson all too late, for, as Thoreau says, "Youth gets together the materials for a bridge to the moon, and maturity uses them to build a wood-shed."

    The habit of right thinking, when firmly established, becomes a source of attraction. Good thoughts soon become great thoughts, and the mature mind attempts even the impossible. The power of a single thought at the beginning of a day can hardly be estimated. It can change despondency into hope, and fear into courage. It can nerve the arm for great and noble deeds. It can strengthen a weak and timid character into four-fourths of a man. It is possible for it to set in motion an influence that will reach the ends of the world.

    The importance of right thinking is its effect upon right doing. How many disastrous mistakes are made for lack of proper thought? How many of life's failures are due to a careless and unwise selection of a business or profession?

    It was Sidney Smith who said: "If we represent the occupations of life by holes in a table, some round, some square, some oblong, and persons by bits of wood of like shapes, we shall generally find that the triangular person has got into the square hole, the oblong into the triangular, while the square person has squeezed himself into the round hole."

    Right thinking means that which constructs, strengthens, and ennobles. It means better manhood, the pluck to do and to dare, and the heroism of mighty endeavor. It knows no limitation, but reaches out daily for new conquests. It is a power unto itself, growing through its own use.

    Leigh Everett

    Develop Positive Thinking

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    Friday, November 2, 2007

    Develop Positive Thinking : Programming Our Thoughts

    Life Strategies For Helping You Help Yourself

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    A car can only go in two directions, either forward or backward, and like a car, we can move forward or backward in our lives. Our every thought either takes us toward our goals and desires or away, and has a positive or negative effect on the direction of our lives.

    Compare your brain to a computer. If a new PC is loaded up with virus contaminated programs would you expect it to run smoothly? Of course not, because you get out of the computer exactly what you put in - your brain is exactly the same.

    Your every thought determines the direction of your life. If you are moving backward then take time to analyze your thoughts. Make a determined effort to recognize negative thoughts and treat them as your worst enemy. Try not to dwell on them. Putty can be molded into any shape or form and so too, your life can be shaped and your destiny set by your thoughts.

    Remember, the potential for change is the same for everyone. It only takes acceptance of the idea that change is possible coupled with the determination to follow-through. It's not always easy to control our thoughts, but certainly not impossible, and the rewards can last a lifetime.

    There are many books on the subject of self-help, but remember, you must take action to succeed. Your thoughts will not change simple by reading an article or book. You must apply what you learn to your everyday affairs. Allow what you read to awaken the possibility of change within you, then take action.

    One of the most beneficial practices for positive thinking is to look for the "good" in everyone and everything. Remember to encourage others everyday by a kind word or deed and be ready to offer (or receive) compliments.

    Find opportunities to put the power of your positive thinking to work. For example, you might be standing in a long line at the supermarket checkout. Rather than get upset, do your utmost to help-out and encourage others with a kind word or compliment. You will be surprised at the positive reaction and at how many people will bless you with a wonderful smile in-return.

    Taking the time to notice others and look for the "good" in every situation will not only life your spirits, but will brighten the day for everyone around you - it's a win-win situation to be sure. There are a 1001 ways to look for the good in others, be they family, friends or those you may only meet once. So, get the lead-out, get rid of those negative thoughts and become a winner.

    Begin today to change your thought patterns one step at a time. Set yourself a goal for the week or month and devote full attention to controlling your thoughts. Start with at least one hour each day and increase the time as your confidence and thinking improve. It is a habit that needs nurturing and a habit you'll come to cherish.

    Leigh Everett

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    Thursday, November 1, 2007

    Pitfalls of Positive Thinking - How To Avoid Them

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    I believe you must have heard umpteen times people telling you to have positive thinking in order to succeed in life. I’m a firm believer of that as well. In fact, I’m also a practitioner of positive thinking. However, positive thinking have it’s pitfalls as well. Understanding it pitfalls will prevent you from falling in it, causing you to drift away from your success. Below are just a few: Pitfall 1 of positive thinking :

    Think and no actions – When I first started out developing the habit of positive thinking, I’ll always tell myself that my situation will be better, I’ll be able to make more money, I’ll be able to solve any problems. And life goes on. Everyday, I’ll tell myself the same things, and after a while, I realized that I’m still at the starting point. The reason lies in thinking and no actions. Taking massive actions after your positive assurance will bring you closer to success. By merely positive thinking won’t.

    Harnessing the power of positive thinking together with taking massive actions. When you start taking actions to overcome your obstacles that lies in between you and your success requires a lot of energy. When you’re face with an obstacles, use the power of positive thinking to open your mind, tapping your creativity in getting the problem solved.

    Pitfall 2 of positive thinking :The ostrich mentality –

    Someone once told me that when the male ostrich encountered any hunters, it will eventually put its head into the sand, believing that if they can’t see the hunters, they’re safe. I’ve to admit I used to be an ostrich. And it brought me to nowhere. Hiding away from issues, and believing that it’ll go away will not help you inch closer to your success.

    Facing the issue face-to-face will allow you to learn how to handle such issues in the near future, gaining precious experience. Instead of misuing the power of positive thinking, making yourself believing that the issue will go away, tackle the issue head on. And leverage the power of positive thinking to propel yourself forward, giving you an extra boost of energy to tackle the issue head on.

    The power of positive thinking can give you leverage, providing additional booster to propel you towards your success. It can also deter you from advancing forward. Don’t misuse the power of positive thinking. Learn to make full use of it, and I’ll see you at the end of your success path!

    Want to learn more from more than 50 successful individuals? Click below to gain access to this powerful group to accelerate your success!

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