Affirmation The Positive Thinking

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Unleash The Power of Positive Thinking

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Most people must already be well aware of what is the power of positive thinking. In any case, for those who are not conversant about what is the power of positive thinking, one can safely say that it is certainly not thinking negatively, but rather being able to perceive a half empty cup as being half full. It is not uncommon to talk to other people in a positive way and act like a person who is of the half full type of cup, rather than a person of the half empty variety.

We all must be aware of the law of attraction, which can show us how to feel positively about a certain topic or subject and it is these thoughts within us that influence how we feels, which is what makes us get attracted to something that we desire. For most people, being able to say that the product that they are selling is great is very easy, but when the same people are alone, it is not that easy to feel and think positively because they may be more preoccupied with worrying about paying their bills or having to play a role in which they will need to decide how to react under negative circumstances.

So, to harness the power of positive thinking and be full of optimism and have a bright outlook requires paying close attention to your innermost thoughts and being able to focus on being aware of these thoughts and learning to direct them in a direction where they are most needed, which is really a manifestation of feeling positive rather than negative. Having a positive attitude and being attentive to positive thoughts isn't something that is taught to us as children and it is not a natural expression of our inner self. In fact, it is common to be careful about what we are saying and not pay enough attention to what are our thoughts.

Being full of enthusiasm is a good beginning and having an action plan and being attentive to one's inner and power filled thoughts is as important as the actions that we perform. After all positive thinking will surely help create positive results and it is highly recommended to think carefully about one's feelings so that it points one in the direction of one's goals and helps us achieve them, even if they are not business related.

So, to get more from your positive thoughts it would help you tremendously to find someone who can give you positive thinking tips because every piece of information you get that can point you in the direction of harnessing your positive thoughts will take you a step closer to not only understanding, but also deriving maximum mileage from the power of positive thinking.

Discover the "Secrets" that have been left out of The Secret DVD. Download your Attraction Accelerator Training free report here. Further recommended Self-Improvement and Personal Growth resources -

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    Friday, September 28, 2007

    Choose Positive Thinking - Believe In Yourself

    Life Strategies For Helping You Help Yourself

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    Positive thinking is a mental attitude which can help us manage to overcome life obstacles and to make our dreams come true. It is a mental attitude which can help us accomplish great results. A positive thinking anticipates happiness, joy, health. Through positive thinking we can initiate great actions and have exceptional accomplishments.

    Not everyone accepts and believes in positive thinking. Some believe it is nonsense; others make fun of those who believe in it. Also, among the ones who believe in positive thinking, many do not know how to use it efficiently for their benefit. This subject has become more and more popular, numerous books and articles debate around positive thinking and its importance in our career and life.

    Very frequently we can hear the advice "Think Positively! Be Optimistic!" for those in need, depressed and worried. Many do not take this advice, as they think it makes no sense and that it is not useful and efficient. How many people really think: "What can positive thinking do for me?"

    First, both positive thinking and negative thinking are "contagious". Through our own way of thinking, of reacting and of acting, we all have a way of influencing ourselves - physically and psychically - as well as influencing the ones around us. This is happening instinctively, in the back of our mind, through the impact of our own thoughts, emotions and feelings over our life, as well as through the transfer of these thoughts and emotions to the ones close to us. Even if they might not realize this, the people around us are influenced by our thoughts and feelings. Proved by the fact that we are all looking for the company of persons with positive thinking and instinctively we stay away of persons with negative thinking.

    Negative thoughts, words and attitudes produce negative feelings and actions. When we have negative thoughts, the body releases some un-healthy substances into our blood, causing even more unhappiness and negativity. Negative thinking uses all of our energy, generating chain reactions and bad decisions, disappointment, failure and even bad health.

    To have a positive thinking, we have to practice, practice and practice. Our attitude and thoughts can not dramatically change over night. But the benefits could be amazing: optimists and positive thinkers have better health, enjoy stronger relationships, experience less stress and have a more productive life and career. The power of our mind is amazing and it basically drives our life.

    Those who habitually practice positive thinking have more accomplishments in life, which can reduce the stress levels. Make a conscious effort to think about positive and benefit situations. Use positive words, smile and smile, and never give up! Try to look at the glass half full instead of half empty, and soon the glass will fill-up. Do this consciously, expect only positive results, believe in yourself and your abilities, and you will experienc.

    There are many people today who can consider themselves positive thinkers, living a happy and fulfilling life. YOU CAN DO IT TOO! Believe in yourself, in your heart and your mind. There are no limits, except the ones set by ourselves.

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    Wednesday, September 26, 2007

    Benefits Of Positive Thinking in Everyday Situations

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    You may not believe it, but your positive thinking brings positive benefits in your life. Ah... that's a crock of crap, you may be thinking. But just take a moment to consider the concept of positive thinking.

    I will give you an interesting scenario that may help you to understand the benefits of positive thinking. Okay, let's say that you are in a grocery store and you are in a long line. Your patience is ALREADY being tried and the cashier has a really funky attitude. Now, you could react negatively to all the negative energy that is being put out there, or you could try thinking positive.

    Let's go with positive thinking in this scenario. Instead of thinking about how rotten the whole situation is, you try thinking positively about it. You tell yourself that maybe the cashier is having an off day and she is not normally so irritable and unfriendly.Instead of a sour look on your face, you offer the cashier a smile, and respond to the nastiness of the cashier by saying,"Wow, it's kind of busy in here. You must be having a trying day."

    What you have done here with your positive thinking is to diffuse some of the negativity in the atmosphere. Now, nine times out of ten, you will get a positive response from the cashier and maybe even a smile. By acknowledging that the cashier is not just an employee, but also a person, you have just used the power of positive thinking to not only boost your mood, but the mood of those around you also.

    You may have even been in a similar situation at one time or another. And if you handled it poorly that time, next time try positive thinking to help you through.

    Discover the "Secrets" that have been left out of The Secret DVD. Download your Wealth Attraction free report here. Further recommended Self-Improvement and Personal Growth resources -

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    The Power of Positive Thinking in Business

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    Having a business is not an easy task. It can give you too much stress and burden if you don’t know how to handle it but always believe that there is something in you that can help you to be successful. That is the power in you. It’s the power of positive thinking. This power is indeed found in you, it is waiting to be developed, and it can push you forward in achieving you life goals.

    Here is a story of a famous inventor, Thomas Edison. He was one of the most renowned inventors of all time. He is the one who invented the incandescent light bulb but before he invented that bulb, it took him ten thousand tries to find the right materials for it. He had never seen these things as failures but as an opportunity to gain more information about what didn’t work right, thus bringing him much closer to the solution. He was optimistic enough to see the best side of everything. This is how positive thinking works in him. He said, “Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.”

    In managing a home business you should have positive attitude in everything that you do. In this kind of work, many problems will arise, and you should see these problems not as failures but as opportunities for reaching your goal. Just like Edison, you should look at things in the best way you can. In this way, you see that there aren’t any problems only opportunities for success. Always believe that you can do what you want to do.

    “If you believe you can, you can.” These are the famous words of John C. Maxwell. Believe that you can achieve everything that you have hoped for; believe in your capacity that to give; believe that you can achieve your goals. In this way, you can create a positive attitude that can be developed into a power that will move you forward. Your success in business will depend on the power that is inside of you. That is the power of positive thinking.

    Clive Green is a writer with expertise in the fields of self-improvement, real estate and finance.

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    Tuesday, September 25, 2007

    Build Muscle Faster By Thinking Positive

    Life Strategies For Helping You Help Yourself

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    In bodybuilding and any fitness endeavor for that matter, your mindset is one of the most important aspects. If you don't have the mental strength to think positive when you are struggling your are likely to get frustrated, give up more easily, miss sessions or become slack on your nutrition. If you can take control of your mind, you will be more disciplined and determined to stick to your routines, and as a result you will build muscle and burn fat faster.

    How To Think Positive

    To start off with you need to get motivated, take a few minutes to think about what you want to achieve and why, write it all down so you commit yourself. What is your motivation? If you want to compete that's great, write it down. Many people don't want to compete or become professional bodybuilders, if so that's great too, it might be that you just want to slim down and bulk up, whatever it is, just write down your personal goals.

    You need to set yourself long term goals and also short term, smaller goals for week to week. Reassess your progress and your goals weekly and adjust them as necessary, keep them SMART: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time-related. Follow this formula and you will not go far wrong. Always keep an eye on your goals when you are training, this will help you stay motivated when the going gets tough.

    Stay Positive

    Whatever you do, don't get frustrated, bodybuilding is one of the toughest activities you can do and it can become annoying when you don't see results immediately. The fact is, it takes time to build your perfect body, and it doesn't happen over night. And depending on your body type, fitness levels and eating habits prior to starting training your results will be faster or slower to achieve, so you have to set your goals appropriately.

    If you follow a proven training plan, do the proper exercises and stick to a healthy diet and lifestyle, you will noticeably lose weight and build muscle within 3 weeks. If you are a real beginner you should speak to a personal trainer or do some research and find an appropriate plan to follow. They will be able to show you proper form and also give you tips to help you hit your goals. Once you start to see results you won't look back, so don't get discouraged early on.

    Finally stay dedicated and if you find that bodybuilding is not for, look for something that you enjoy for example I also enjoy martial arts and hill running, you may find that swimming is better for you. To stay dedicated, find a training partner and work with them to stay on track and motivated, having a training partner makes a big difference. You can compete with each other and really push yourselves, and you'll be much less likely to skip a session.

    In conclusion you should enjoy your training, it maybe hard and sometimes you might feel like giving up, but if you keep your goals in sight and stay dedicated you'll see improvements. And once you start to see your muscles bulging and your six-pack appearing, it will inspire you to work harder. Stick to your training program and go for your goals and you'll have the body of your dreams in no time.

    Do you want to learn how to pack on massive muscle, melt away fat and get the body of your dreams? If so, get your hands on free bodybuilding training tips for beginner bodybuilders by clicking the following link:

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    The Art of Positive Thinking

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    The Art Of Positive Thinking The art of positive thinking. It's supposed to literally be a cure for anything that ails you, both body and soul. I do believe this to be true in most cases. It's a matter of learning to put the right "spin" on the subject.

    I even have some examples:

    You have a really bad job. The pay is terrible, the work tedious, the hours inconvenient.

    Think of the pluses! You have a place to go, people who more than likely commiserate with your situation (who doesn't enjoy a good b-t-h session now and then?) and some kind of monetary stipend which is hopefully keeping you close to eye level with the bills you've accumulated.

    Truly better than the alternative!

    Another scenario: You have been stricken with some terrible affliction. I know, many of you are reading that last sentence and wondering "WHAT????

    However, it's a known medical phenomena that being positive that you will survive and even be better than ever when all is said and done, really, truly works. We all know someone who defied the odds of a "terminal" condition, simply by deciding that they had not finished what they needed to here on earth. One of my husband's cousin's had a husband who had esophageal cancer and was given only 3 months survival-he lived a full life for another 12 years after that and died of a heart attack-not cancer. It allowed him to be there for all of his children's marriages and see most of his grandchildren come into being!

    All this being said-I really want to stress I do believe in having a positive frame of mind. I myself came back from being close to not being able to maintain a "regular" lifestyle with my rheumatoid arthritis. It was my positive attitude and trust in medical science that made it possible for me to sit here and write, get out and go power-walking and numerous other daily activities rather than sit in constant pain.

    EXCEPT FOR ONE THING: head colds. I really see nothing positive about them. Okay, in the grand scheme of life, this sounds ridiculous, but have any of you ever had one and have been able to think "oh good, I needed a cold!" What fun! And now, I have a doozy!

    Does anything make you feel or look worse? My eyes are tearing, I can't hear anything, my throat feels as if a match has been struck on it. I'm dizzy. My face and lips are chapped from all the sneezing, blowing and coughing. Oh, while I'm complaining-my body hurts and my back went out from having to cough and sneeze at the same time. Plus, who sleeps in this condition? This is after 9 days and enough "symptom relief" medication to choke the proverbial horse.

    Childbirth was easier. Shorter recovery time too. Plus, you came out with something wonderful.

    And now, I may not be ready to post, but I have to-I positively need another hot cup of lemon and honey and a new Kleenex.

    Carine Nadel loves to write on what she observes around her. To read more of her work, log onto: or

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    Sunday, September 23, 2007

    The Power of Positive Thinking

    Life Strategies For Helping You Help Yourself

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    Last December, my family and I took our first ever trip during a holiday. Since I was always in the wine business and working long hours during December we could never get away. But we were able to enjoy Chicago’s lovely weather instead of relaxing by a pool in the hot Florida sun. During the plane ride down I read a great book on positive thinking. Little did I know how quickly it would come in handy!

    We were not unaccustomed to the throng of warm weather seekers, as we had never traveled in December. The line at the car rental counter seemed longer than the Mississippi River. We waited patiently (sort of) for 45 minutes, only to learn that we were at the wrong place! Have you ever made a bone-headed move like that? Typically, this would have thrown me for a complete loop; however, I was able to draw upon my new, positive mental attitude to save the day! “Good news and bad news,” I told my family. “The bad news: we’re at the wrong place! The good news is that we have a funny family story to laugh about for generations to come.” The children weren’t impressed!

    Situations in life can either be positive or negative, happy or sad. You’ve all heard the expression, “When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.” It’s true! It’s your frame of reference that makes the difference. Had I chosen to be upset by this fiasco, it would have been my choice! Having taken the car rental bus from the airport, we were caught in no- man’s-land. I had two choices: take the bus back to the airport, or hoof it a mile to the right place. I hoofed it! (Yes, just a mile; however, I’m not in marathon shape any more. The other day I stepped on our talking scale, and it told me to come back when I was alone!). Unfortunately, the line was just as long. The lady behind me was making all these frustrated noises, muttering under her breath about the long wait. Inside, I was chuckling because I had chosen not to let the situation get the best of me.

    Here are some tips to help you develop a positive mental attitude:

    -Generate enthusiasm: Have a great sense of expectancy each day.

    Enthusiastic people have an infectious effect on other people and are typically able to garner cooperation from others. Many books on success say that you become what you think about. Keeping a positive state of mind is part of maintaining an enthusiastic attitude. In fact, when I teach companies to hit the grand slam with their customers, I stress the need to select passionate, enthusiastic people. Have you ever walked in a store and felt a warm embiance? The truth is that customers feel more welcome in an enthusiastic environment. ·

    See the positive in things: Don’t dwell on the negative.

    People have a tendency to ignore all the positive things that happen in life and business. For most of my life, I was the President and owner of my family’s wine stores. We had a manager who would always complain about orders being filled incorrectly. I knew that it was important to see why the problem was occurring; however, I reminded everybody to remember all the orders that were completed successfully. I wanted everybody to take pride in what was going right. Learn from the bad things, but always remember all the good that happens as well.

    Have positive body language: When you talk with others, most of your communication is coming from your body language.

    Don’t just have a positive frame of mind. Demonstrate through your body language your happiness. Let others see your smile. Smiling shows your warmth, and that you are an open and accepting person. It shows how you feel on the inside. In business, greet customers sincerely, whether on the phone or in person. Try this test: the next time you run into someone you haven’t seen in a while, show, through your actions, that you are genuinely happy to see that person. It will make a great difference.

    Welcome friendly criticism; don’t avoid it: Use criticism as an opportunity to learn.

    Recognize opportunities to see how others view you. If you accept (and don’t fear) comments, you may see areas that need improvement. Nobody’s perfect! A long time ago, somebody gave me some advice that I will always remember. A friend of mine said “Calm down. Don’t be so hyper!” It turns out that my passion and emotion needed to be more reserved when I met someone for the first time. It was great advice. Learn to ignore people who just want to put you down. Have you ever had a friend or family member who constantly put you down? Did those people wear you down? Learn to spot the people who want to help, while ignoring the others. They are wrestling their own demons. Don’t let them affect you.

    Develop a success plan: Make a blueprint of your own vision. Achieving your goals is incumbent on your ability to decide what you want, and then to do everything necessary to get it. Most people, although they are not pleased with their current state of life, will do nothing to change the situation. As Herbert Harris calls it in “The 12 Universal Laws of Success”, they become “satisfied with their dissatisfaction.” A success plan is tangible and concrete. Before you achieve success, you must first ask if you are willing to increase your commitment and do whatever it takes to get that success.

    Don’t forget reading a few books on positive mental attitude. A great one is Jeffrey Gitomer’s “YES! Attitude Book.” As Jeffrey would say, turn off the TV and read. Invest in your future. Take the time to change your thought processes. It works! Remember the car rental mistake from the first paragraph above? I could have blamed the travel agent and blown off a little steam, perhaps even saved some face with the family. I didn’t, and I feel better for it. I asked the travel agent to book the wrong company. It was my fault; however, with the right attitude, things were ok. Look at the bright side. I ran a mile. At least I worked out!

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    Saturday, September 22, 2007

    Affirmation Charms

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    Affirmation savage garden affirmation affirmation lyrics affirmation de soi daily affirmation affirmation charms repeating one word affirmation positive affirmation affirmation of faith silver affirmation words of affirmation affirmation jewelry releasing negative thoughts affirmation self affirmation savage garden affirmation lyrics positive affirmation ringtones affirmation action define affirmation affirmation for positive circles inspiration affirmation necklace affirmation necklaces affirmation album affirmation savage garden self affirmation theory darren hayes affirmation power affirmation affirmation alzheimers printed affirmation cards affirmation disturbing thoughts christian tools of affirmation affirmation pendants affirmation gifts girls lyrics affirmation affirmation necklace prosperity affirmation baptist affirmation of faith letter of affirmation pleading signature affirmation required christian affirmation gifts affirmation signature required complaint l'affirmation d'une culture a travers la danse affirmation goddess protect me positive affirmation ringtones mp3 affirmation words affirmation bracelets small affirmation charm affirmation rings leather affirmation bracelets these affirmation de soi affirmation of our faith nicene creed affirmation gay lesbian mormons affirmation of love affirmation by savage garden sure way affirmation christian affirmation affirmation du français affirmation for weight control

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    Thursday, September 20, 2007

    Anamchara - Beyond Positive Thinking

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    One of the most well known books ever written on success is James Allan’s “As a man thinketh.”

    This book advocates thinking in a positive manner in order to create the life you dream of having. It suggests all you have to do is change your internal dialogue and you can begin to adopt a successful mind set. After an unspecified time you will then “have it all.”

    For some this approach has undoubtedly worked.

    For many others it has manifestly not done so. There are more books written and read on positive thinking than on most any other subject. This has made some difference to people’s lives but real change has not manifested for too many others.

    I think this is because the writing of James Allen has been understood only at a surface level. In his wonderful book “As a man thinketh,” he writes: -

    “As a man thinketh in his heart so is he, not only embraces the whole of a mans being, but is so comprehensive as to reach out to every condition and circumstance.”

    Note the language.

    It is a form of language you do not hear in today’s personal growth market. I think this is why it is not so well understood. James Allen clearly states, “As a man thinketh in his heart…” He is, to my mind, talking about clearly making an emotional connection with one’s heart.

    This is where all positive change begins.

    The heart speaks to one’s being and not only to the intellect. The intellect is only a part of the wholeness of our humanity. Thinking positive thoughts can go some way to creating a wonderful experience of what it means to be alive. However, being alive is not just an intellectual experience. It is a when fully allowed a free flowing experience of delight.

    The heart knows things that the head can never imagine.

    The heart embraces the imagination. James Allen uses the word “embrace” in the above passage. The mind does not embrace. It rationalises. The mind operates in a linear fashion. It moves from point A to point B. An embrace is something that encircles you. A circle is complete it is not something that is partial. A circle is more holistic.

    James Allen goes on to say that this “thinketh of the heart” is so comprehensive it affects all conditions and circumstances. It is in effect transformative. It changes ones relationship to life and living.

    I personally think James Allan would have been better naming his wonderful book “As a man feels.” This I think would guide many others to the experience of “embracing a man’s being. It would more clearly focus one on the free flow of feeling within the body allied to ones purpose and values.

    This connection with your purpose and values at the heart level raises passion. This is the real power that will “reach out to every condition and circumstance.” This will be a warmer and more powerful experience than the cool application of simply repeating positive words and phrases.

    Remember you are already forever enough no matter how much positive thinking you may apply to your being. Remember that the Blessing is already here and you are it.

    Tony Cuckson is an Anam Cara. This Celtic term means “Soul Friend.” He specializes in providing insight for the spiritual journey, Blessings for YOU, words of wisdom and finding inner peace. Visitors to Irish Blessings Matter website and Tony’s Blog get the opportunity to develop a purpose driven life through articles, newsletters and other programs.

    Get your free report called “7 ways to it’s a wonderful life” at, or go to Tony`s Blog at where you will find links to information related to spiritual parenting, spiritual coaching and spirit in business.

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    The 3 Steps Of Positive Thinking

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    Becoming a positive thinker and doer is easy when you know the steps of positive thinking... and of course, you are willing to apply them! To benefit from positive thinking you must change your negative thoughts with new fresh positive ones.

    How do you do that? Follow these simple yet powerful steps of positive thinking:

    1. Become aware of your thoughts.

    You can start by going somewhere quiet and just sit and observe what goes on in your mind. Don't focus on any thought, just observe how your mind wanders and become aware of the direction of your thoughts. This is a very good exercise to getting to know yourself more deeply. You will discover whether you tend to worry about the future, to think about problems, or to look forward to what you are going to do next, for example.

    2. Acknowledge your negative thoughts.

    You will have to do a little soul-searching, as some of the negative thoughts are deep beliefs about life. Negative thoughts trigger negative emotions. A negative emotion like fear, jealousy, worry, anger, and many more, indicated that there is something wrong going on that does not match with what you are actually looking for. You can take your negative emotions as indicators that you are having negative thoughts. Most people often react to the negative emotions, without actually knowing it. Don't let yourself be driven by your emotions. You can rather use them as a guidance system in knowing yourself better and understand which thoughts and beliefs cause your negative emotions.

    3. Change your negative thoughts for positive ones.

    The good part is that you can only think of one thing at a time, so if you focus upon something positive, there is definitely no room for negativity. Accept the existence of the negative thought, but replace it with a positive one. For instance, if you find yourself worrying about bills and financial status, shift your thoughts towards a good friend with whom you have a great relationship.

    If you want to go deeper, you can still think about what is worrying you, but in a positive way that makes you feel good. Having a positive attitude is seeing the glass half-full. You can always be supportive of yourself and take the necessary steps of positive thinking by repeating these positive self-statements.

    Don't choose to carry the world upon your shoulders. There are times when it does seem a little hard to replace the negative thoughts, especially if you think you have a big problem. Notice the word "seem" because thinking positively is always a matter of choice, ultimately, and it is always attainable. It is necessary to admit that we may feel overwhelmed at times. If there is "too much", let it go for a while and focus on living in the present. Return to your problems when you are ready to face them. From there, you have the power to follow these steps of positive thinking and choose positive things to focus on.

    Still, if your negative emotions occur repeatedly, you may be keeping an old belief that does not match with what you now want. In this case, thinking about something positive will not help you in the long run, as the negative emotions will come back. That is why you must deal with the actual negative belief to stop the negative emotions coming back. You should explore the reasons why you keep a belief that makes you feel bad. Wouldn't it be great to change it?

    Summing up the steps of positive thinking:
    - Be aware of your thoughts
    - Use your negative emotions as indicators of your negative thoughts
    - Replace your negative thoughts for positive ones, one at a time
    Remember that it all comes down to how you want to see the reality around you, and it is always possible to get into a positive thinking state of mind.

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    Wednesday, September 19, 2007

    Affirmation Definition

    Life Strategies For Helping You Help Yourself

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    Affirmation from insight keep losing mantras mind mommy free affirmation savage garden affirmation affirmation can change i it life use free positive affirmation affirmation life nietzsche nihilism overcoming 2007 365 affirmation calendar can daily i it affirmation book cook love love romance sex sexy affirmation affirmation building confidence esteem motivational recognizing self self worth louise hay affirmation self esteem affirmation affirmation jewelry weight loss affirmation spiritual affirmation phoenix affirmation affirmation happiness passport affirmation lyric wealth affirmation affirmation daily financial reduction spirit stress wealthy christian affirmation you can heal your life affirmation kit affirmation affirmation can heal kit kit life affirmation cosmic essential from guide kitchen nourishing ordering powerful affirmation daily disorder health living meditation mental mood optimally program recovery

    Creativity affirmation affirmation ball the dont sweat affirmation affirmation book affirmation for woman healing affirmation affirmation blues daily disorder heal health living meditation mental mood optimally program recovery that words example of affirmation affirmation headed nappy nappyisms people wannabes affirmation by daily doggone enough enough good i'm i'm it like people smalley smart stuart child affirmation affirmation necklace 365 affirmation around blessing celebrate from human journey life prayer prayer world affirmation as chinese culture in liberation nietzsche philosophy religiosity series suny zhuangzi affirmation bless blessing divine goddess prayer affirmation girlfriend life magnetic quote secret affirmation daily instructions instructions living meditation prayer soul soul

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    Monday, September 17, 2007

    Does Positive Thinking Work?

    Life Strategies For Helping You Help Yourself

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    Let's consider the antithesis to this question. Does negative thinking work?

    Well, has there been a time when you have worried unduly about something? Maybe you were worried about an exam, a driving test, an interview. Chances are that your worst expectations came into fruition and even if you got the outcome you desired you recognised that you could have performed better had you not worried.

    When we worry or have negative thoughts about something we are not allowing ourselves to think constructively about how to achieve what we want. We focus all our energy on the negative elements of a particular situation and what we put energy into grows.

    Dr. Kathleen Hall writes in her book A Life in Balance,

    "Affirmations are positive statements we tell ourselves. Our mind believes what we tell it. When you tell your brain positive information, you are feeding your brain extremely valuable food that heals your mind and body...When you tell yourself something over and over again, it gets recorded in your brain; then your mind and body believe it and you become what you have been telling yourself. A positive affirmation is a self-fulfilling prophecy."

    This statement represents half of the picture because when we tell our brain, meaning our sub-conscious mind, negative information, when we repeatedly tell ourselves something which is negative it also gets recorded in the mind as if it were a true statement.

    "A negative assertion is a self-fulfilling prophecy."

    I was chatting to an acquaintance the other day. I could see she was tense and she was complaining of having headaches. I asked if she was worried about anything and she admitted that she was worried about a new job assignment. Now she wasn't worried about her ability to handle the assignment; she was worrying because she had this type of assignment before and didn't enjoy it. She was worrying herself sick and for no good reason.

    "When you send your brain negative information, you are feeding your brain anti-nutrients that harm your mind and body."

    Take getting a promotion at work. If we focus on why it's not possible to get the promotion and focus on our limitations then that's what we'll put our energy into. The presentation and or interview will roll around, we'll perform poorly, lose the opportunity and tell ourselves, "See, I knew I wasn't good enough!" "I knew I wouldn't get the promotion." We may even blame someone else – "The boss doesn't like me." "Bob is more experienced than I. He was bound to get the position."

    When we have these thoughts we give up our power to influence change in our lives. When we accept that we create our reality then we can choose our reality. We can become more aware players in this game called life.

    So if negative thinking works then, by the Law of Polarity, the opposite must also true. As Larry King said in his introduction to a special edition of Larry King Live aired recently called The Power of Positive Thinking where he interviewed Bob Proctor, John Assaraf, Michael Beckwith, John DeMartini and JZ Knight,

    "Positive thoughts can transform, can attract the good things you know you want."

    However, holding on to positive thoughts is challenging. When we are born we are encoded with the genetic material of our parents and, it has been proven, with the genetic material of our ancestors – that's a lot of hardwiring. We then grow up in an environment where the values of our parents and or guardians are also engrained into us whether it is 'information' that serves us in a negative or positive manner. Hence there is a lot of stuff to override. As Jack Canfield, puts it,

    "We are a bundle of conditioned reflexes out of control."

    We tend to put a lot of emotion into our negative thoughts compared to the emotion and energy we put into our positive thoughts. I can have a negative thought and if I don't invest too much emotion into it then I generally don't have to worry about it taking hold and manifesting itself. Unfortunately, we often invest a lot of energy and emotion into our negative thoughts and this simply serves to bring our worse fears into fruition even faster.

    Conversely, when we say positive affirmations there can be an emotional detachment and a lack of consistency in saying them. Also, a lack of evidence in our visible world may cause our analytical conscious mind to filter and delete positive affirmations. Yet, if we are able to overcome this challenge and hold the thought in our mind of what we really want irrespective of our current circumstances then our outer world will eventually catch up with our inner world.

    To demonstrate the power of positive thinking I'd like to go back to the 2006 Winter Olympics held in Turin, Italy. The men's Alpine skiing downhill race was won by 3 times French champion, Antoine Dénériaz. Dénériaz says,

    "…since time that I said myself, "One day you will be World Champion, Olympic Champion…"

    But Dénériaz was not expected to win. He had performed no better than sixth in a World Cup race this season. The commentators and many of the other competitors all talked about how tough the course was. The course also was getting progressively more demanding as the day wore on and more and more runs were completed.

    Dénériaz was also the last of 30 seeded skiiers. None of this deterred Dénériaz. He knew he had a job to complete plus there was champagne waiting for him to drink.

    You see Dénériaz had been applying the power of positive thinking to the extent he was so confident he was going to win and become Olympic Champion he bought champagne to celebrate beforehand!

    Dénériaz skiied beautifully and won emphatically in a time of 1:48.80 stealing what had, until that point, looked like a sure gold medal, from Michael Walchhofer from Austria (1:49.52). Bruno Kernen of Switzerland was third with a time of 1:49.82.

    The top US skier, Bode Miller, said in an interview afterwards,

    "The way Dénériaz skied today, he was pretty much untouchable."

    That positive thinking works can be proven scientifically. You, undoubtedly, will have heard of The Science of Getting Rich and The Science of Being Well. Positive thinking is "The Science of Getting What You Want".

    Nickolove Lovemore is a Life & Success Coach and a Certified NLP Practitioner. Please visit for free ebook to fire up your positive thinking!

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    Positive Thinking And Affirmations

    Life Strategies For Helping You Help Yourself

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    Positive thinking and affirmations are both elements of a larger outline that finally leads to self-improvement not just within your business or personal life but also regarding your general state of mind, human interactions etc. This approach to self-improvement needs to turn into a daily routine for you if are ever to achieve your goals.

    Here are some hints to applying it successfully and really making your thoughts become actions:

    • Take some time to envision those goals and purposes of yours. Taking this time to imagine your desired self is important as they say that poorly imagined things almost never succeed. Imagine your perfect day, your perfect week, your perfect year and even your perfect life. Do this but do it methodically not just daydreaming; daydreaming will get you nowhere. When you think you have your perfect life don’t be ashamed to share it with others.

    • Once you have started figuring out your plan, start writing it down. Putting things into writing is not only good legal advice but also a good way to remind yourself of what you need to. The sequence of these two paragraphs is obvious then: thought-speech-writing-action. Review your written plan from time to time and, to make sure it will lead to the right result, make sure it is expressed in a positive manner.

    • Plan your stages of self-development with minute detail; “baby steps”, they say will get you there sooner. Making these detailed notes of what you have to do you affirm these steps to yourself consciously. This manner of positive thinking and affirmation will even attract others into you master plan as they will feel unconsciously compelled to help you achieve your goals.

    • Another effective technique to focus your behavior towards achieving your goals is to write down the main highlights of your master plan in the form of positive affirmations and repeat them out loud every day after you wake up and before you go to bed. Say your mantras in the same locations so as your mind can quickly ease into these and allow for the utmost focus.

    • Keep track of your progress so as to be able to improve your method. Also visualize your next step and compare it to your previous. An essential feature of this approach is to always keep a positive attitude to your efforts and not allow others to discourage you. Other people’s negative reactions to your method of self-improvement should always create a positive response from you.

    If you spend some time every day focusing on your dreams, goals, and aspirations you are moving closer towards the life you want for yourself in the shortest possible amount of time. When you look back to reassess what you have accomplished over a period of weeks or months, you will be simply amazed about how you have come so far so fast. Keep having a positive attitude and working on your affirmations and you will be living the life you have always envisioned.

    Victoria Wright's Self Help Ebook Will Improve Your life and Make Your Personal Growth Much Easier! Click Here To Claim This free ebook Worth 49$ Now:

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    Sunday, September 16, 2007

    The Ultimate In Positive Thinking?

    Life Strategies For Helping You Help Yourself

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    I will never forget an evening in 2003, when I met an amazing gentleman. I had, for several weeks, had a problem with my foot and ankle, having great trouble walking because of the pain. It was a bit swollen, and I thought it was an injury of some sort, although I could not recall how it had happened.

    The doctor at the local hospital did not examine it. She looked at my age on the notes, glanced down towards my foot, and said: “Oh, that’s gout. It comes with your age.” As I was only 53, and feeling quite healthy, I was not impressed. I never went back; I knew for sure it was nothing arthritic. I had long experience of arthritic pain in my younger days. This was not right; I was convinced it was an injury, but was baffled.

    I decided just to rest it as much as I could for a few days, and it did show some sign of easing, but not a lot. I had started to fathom out how it may have happened. I lived then, and now, in Palawan, a beautiful province of the Philippines, something of a tropical paradise. Then, I still slept with the air conditioning on, albeit down low. More often than not, my feet would become uncovered during the night, and they were right under the air conditioning unit. So, I was waking with cold feet every morning.

    Then came that evening I will not forget. A friend had told me she knew of a herbalist who people turned to when conventional western medicine had failed. That evening, she brought him to our apartment. We all sat around and there was polite chatter, with the gentleman sitting opposite me. As he came in, and then sat down, I had admired his agility and remarkably healthy appearance.

    I noticed that he was observing my foot; and I had been observing him, too. I thought to myself that he was probably about 65, but as he was so healthy, only looked about 58. He had a young face, and good skin. My friend looked over with a big smile.

    “Roy, Mr …….. is 100 years old.”

    I was shocked, and aghast. I think he is used to that reaction.


    My friend laughed: “Yes, 100 years old. And he has 45 children from 4 wives.”

    I observed him from a different viewpoint now, and with disbelief. I was too polite to ask at what stages each of his wives died, but he had outlived them all. All his children had been successful one way or another, and he was a proud and happy man.

    What was his secret? He was a man of the forest. Palawan is still blessed with historic rainforest, which hide many secrets in and below its trees. It was the trees of the forest that he used to treat people, and had achieved some wonderful results over the years. He was too modest to have told me that, it was my friend who told me of his successes. He shrugged if someone asked his secrets about his being 100 years old, and appearing so healthy and young. His answer was a fairly short one:

    “I eat only good healthy food. I have never drunk alcohol. I have had a happy life. I pray every day, and believe in God.”

    There was one more reason he gave for his longevity: “I always wanted to live to be very old. I always saw it that way. Every day I imagined myself over 100.”

    Now, those may not be his exact words, as my friend translated for me as he spoke. But one thing I do know, he spoke with great sincerity, calmness and a subdued authority. He was the epitome of confidence. I was in awe at this small, lithe, 100 year old Superman.

    My ankle and foot? Eventually he sprung out of his chair, and examined my foot.

    “No arthritis,” he said, and I did understand that as he spoke. Then my friend had to translate. He had observed, I walked on cold tiles. He said I would go from the outside, where it was hot, and come in and immediately walk on cold tiles. The blood was no longer reaching my feet properly.

    That reminded me of what I had been thinking about the air conditioning while I slept. I explained, and he nodded knowingly. Each morning I would get out of bed and immediately do over 100 push ups. While the exercise is mostly on the arms, the tendons on the ankles get stretched with each push. Cold tendons being stretched over 100 times? Every morning. For months. That was it; that was probably the cause of the swollen ankle.

    He said not to worry, it could be cured in 3 days of treatment. He had to travel down to the south of Palawan, and go into the forest in search of the barks and leaves he needed. It was the rainy season, and he was gone a week. I was still struggling to get walking when he returned, but it was only 2 days to go until I was due to fly to Cebu, so no time for the 3 days of treatment.

    I need not have been concerned. He came back twice to apply a hot compress, steaming with the magic ingredients of the rain forest. Then, I had to get my flight. “Don’t worry,” he said, that should be fine. He was right; apart from an occasional twinge while in Cebu, it was fine, even as I walked around.

    All he asked in return was the payment of his travel down to southern Palawan and back, as it was a journey he had not planned to make. He gave his time, knowledge and attention for free.

    My ankle, though, was not why I remember that 100 year old gentleman. To me, his was the ultimate example of positive thinking. He always told himself he would live to be 100, and he did.

    Ever since then, I have had a plan for my 100th birthday. It is a day I think of a lot. My guest of honour that day will be, if I can track him down, that gentleman of the forest. He will be 147 then, and with the way he was looking at 100, he will still be around, surprising people as much as ever.

    This positive thinking article was written by Roy Thomsitt, owner of the Routes To Self Improvement website.

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    Physical Power of Positive Thinking

    Life Strategies For Helping You Help Yourself

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    You CAN adapt your self to any change whether it be in diet or physical exercise! Remember, the mind governs the body. Harmful thoughts such as: fear, hatred, anxiety and over sensitivity originate when your brain cells are starved. Positive thinking is impossible when the mind is undernourished, and a mind that is constantly undernourished becomes touchy and irritable.

    Your mind along with your body must be kept in top physical condition, otherwise it will dwell on destructive thoughts towards yourself and others. With the correct diet you are able to think positive and encourage yourself through a tough bodybuilding routine -- and the results will appear much faster.

    Remember that your brain is the central power station of the body. A diet that consists of mainly junk foods and sugary carbohydrates will cause physical illness to the brain when, on the other hand a proper nutritional diet promotes positive thinking which frees you from mental conflict and helps you to achieve success that much sooner.

    The positive thinker is able to love someone besides himself, and with the world so full of hate, only proves the fact that the diet of today is full of junk food. Hate will only tear your mind apart further. That's why you naturally feel physically good when you're happy -- your entire body is well nourished and working together -- now, isn't that what bodybuilding is all about!? The positive thinker has quite an advantage in that he is able to achieve his goals much quicker, devote his energy to positive feelings toward himself and others. He's able to drain such time consuming thoughts, as resentment, irritations, guilt reactions, and annoyances that have collected throughout the day and refill his mind with refreshing and happy thoughts.

    Love and positive thinking is the internal force that gives you new hope, joy and vitality. It's for people who truly want a powerful new lease on life!!!

    Atlas Bodybuilding shows you how to make your body into a dat burning machine using 7 easy steps that ANYONE can follow. Click here to start your bodybuilding body.

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    Friday, September 14, 2007

    The Dangers Of Positive Thinking

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    Positive thinking has become one of the most popular phrases of our time. But what happens when you find yourself in a situation that makes it difficult to “Think Positive”? In these times, when things just don’t seem to be going right, being told to “Think Positive” just doesn’t work. If we try to think positive in these situations, we know that we are trying to fool ourselves. This can then actually make us feel more negative about the situation.

    So what’s the answer?

    One way of dealing with a bad situation is to analyze it properly and see how bad things really are. Much of the time—especially when we are depressed—we feel that the situation is much worse than it actually is. If we take a close look at a situation and ask ourselves “What is the worst thing that could happen?” we can find that the worst thing is really not so bad after all.

    We find that we will still have the things that really matter such as a place to live, food to eat, and our friends and family. But more important—when we have all the things just mentioned—is that we will still have the means to move from the bad situation to one that is more positive.

    In the end, the whole point of looking at the situation and seeing how bad things really are is to move away from relying on our feelings and moving toward a view of the world or situation on the facts as they are. What we need in these types of situations is not to “think positive” but think less on the negative side—to see our problems for what they really are.

    And once the situation has been looked at closely, we need to use the proper words to describe it. Don’t call something a disaster when it’s just an annoyance. Or don’t think of something as a tragedy when it’s just a minor setback. Once we take this objective look at our problems, we’ll find that they aren’t such a problem after all, and can be overcome. And then we realize we can find the positive in the situation—by looking at the negative first.

    Steve Bentham runs the website a website dedicated to inspiration, motivation and personal development. This article is an abridged version of Stop Trying to Think Positive which can be found on the Inspiration Insights website

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    Positive Thinking To Live Presently

    Life Strategies For Helping You Help Yourself

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    Although we exist in the present, many of us do not always live here and now.

    Our mind is so used to think about the past, about things that cannot be changed; or it flies into the future, creating fears and worries and infinite hypothetical situations of any kind.

    When our mind comes into place then we worry, or we feel frustrated because we think "things should/should not be this way". When our mind takes over and starts thinking about stuff any other than what is currently happening, we miss out on life.

    Full life is right here, right now.

    Create positive thoughts and decide to live in the present. All is well, here and now. You are complete and full by yourself. In fact, you do not need anything or anyone else right now, or you ever did.

    The moment you understand that, you will find that a whole world of opportunities and possibilities opens before you. Keep yourself positive, feed your mind with positive thoughts, learn to deal with negative thoughts and to just drop it all, just like that.

    Choose to live in the present courageously, since you only have to win. You can keep yourself balanced and positive through positive thinking activities, positive affirmations and positive thinking books. Most of them give good advice and offer great ideas to give a more wholistic experience of positive thinking, and therefore suggest also a healthy lifestyle with regular exercise and a balanced diet to enjoy a positive attitude.

    Live happily, live here, live now.

    Cristina Diaz is a writer, and the editor and publisher of

    She has published ezines over the internet with useful and sound advice. She currently lives in London and devotes her time to transmit her knowledge through The Benefits Of Positive Thinking, and to write short fiction tales in Spanish.

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    Thursday, September 13, 2007

    Make Positive Thinking A Habit

    Life Strategies For Helping You Help Yourself

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    Become positive in every situation, I know this may sound slightly mad and you are probably saying to yourself yes but if. Take it from me regardless of what happens in life you can take positive's from your experiences.

    Heres an example when we were children at some point we were confronted with something hot, hot water, fire, an oven and the chances are that as a child you will have been burnt on something, It could be said that getting burnt was a bad experience and you could have a negative view of it, then again the positive way to look at it is that now you know what the feeling is like and will take more care in the future, this is what i mean by using negative things and creating positive thoughts from them. If you are in a position where your life is out of control and it seems that every day is a bad day look for the good points as a way forward, the future can be a very clear exciting prospect if the right frame of mind is adopted, on those bad days look to the future and the experiences you are having will stand you in good stead.

    using your positive mind creatively well this has to be when you think to yourself about the future by being creative in your mind you will feel that anything is a possibility. I design Womens clothing and especially this time of year when the new ranges are coming out it good to be thinking positively that the next design is one of my best, sure this doesn't happen all the time but you learn more as you go along new techniques etc, using new materials etc but It wouldn't work If i wasn't positive. You will become a happier person the more you look at things in a positive way a few years ago I was married to the wrong person It was a time n my life when I thought that things were never going to get better and there was no way out, I look back at it now and what was so important then is so minor now, I moved on and found a ew life, but at the same time using the experience as a way of monitoring my way now. Being positive regardless of all the negativity around you will get you through and will be guiding your ship towards safe waters. The amazing part of this is that the more you do it the better things seem, and it becomes second nature, There's the added benefit of you always smiling.

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    Wednesday, September 12, 2007

    Positive Thinking for Profit

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    What lies within you, that which is you, your thoughts and internal processing reflects outwardly into the world and manifests itself as your day to day life. Each belief, thought pattern and indeed your inner programming is an almost inevitable vision of your future...unless you change it!

    Look at your life now. Take the major events in your life, the relationships, economic situation, your lifestyle and health. Trace these back to where they came from and you will find the first cause inevitably lies within. Take a look at your beliefs and see how they match up to where you are now.

    So if your inner programming is so important then how can we start to influence and consciously change our own internal processes to reflect that which we desire. Well let's look at money as an example. If your parents were/are solid local government employees the chances are that you of the opinion that money is all about hard work spending time at the office trading your time and hard effort for an after tax wage at the end of each month, then how can you go about changing this pattern of thought.

    Well, a good start would be to focus your attention and thoughts on a particular object of your desire that fills you with passion, something that requires money to attain but that you will be really motivated to obtain.

    Now remembering that faith and belief are so powerful that they are the foundation of most religions how about applying them to your own goals in life. Develop your own level of belief that you will purchase that house by the sea or whatever other goal fills you with burning desire. Start to visualize yourself actually in the house, waking up in the morning, walking on to the balcony and feeling alive with the inspiring view of the sun-rise in front of you. Create in your mind a place or tunnel that you can enter and feel those thoughts and emotions at anytime and practice them regularly.

    At first it may feel unrealistic that you are living your dream in your minds eye, however this is where persistence comes in. As you use this visualization technique regularly the thoughts will gain more clarity and will become more familiar, they will shrug off the feeling of unfamiliarity as you also see the pointers in your life opening the way towards your dreams fruition. Your thoughts will force you into taking positive action towards fulfilling your desires. And as you notice the doors opening where previously the way seemed barred your self-confidence and belief will increase and you will feel certain that you are but just a step away from your attaining your initial vision and desire.

    Finally you will notice that your inner beliefs and desires will have led your actions along a parallel course that literally has made you take continuous positive action towards your goals until at last you physically are taking in the sunrise views from your very own beach-side villa.

    The use of this visualization or positive thinking procedure creates favorable thought and action habits. There is no magic bullet to be taken, did you ever meet a person with lasting wealth who hadn't worked for it? Dreams do not come true by dreaming but by continuous positive action focused on a particular goal inspired by your thoughts and belief. Follow this process and you will astonish yourself.

    I invite you now to start your own visualization process. Put aside a few minutes each day to go through a movie in your mind and keep with it, make it a part of your routine each day. Decide to improve your life here and now but most of all remember that a decision hasn't been made until you take action on it! So start right-away.

    Author Stephen Ryan provides FREE guidance and training on the power of positive thinking. By following this link you will recieve over $60 worth of FREE positive thinking training and advice immediately, simply click: Positive Thinking or for money transfer information click money transfer now.

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    Tuesday, September 11, 2007

    The Power Of Positive Thinking

    Life Strategies For Helping You Help Yourself

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    I believe that anything is possible. I believe that I can make a living on the internet. I believe that I can lose those last 10 pounds. These are all examples of affirmations. Positive affirmations. They truly can make a difference in your life. The power of positive thinking is real, its not just a saying.

    Have you ever set a goal for yourself, a reasonable goal that is, put a plan in action to accomplish that goal, then NOT accomplished it? It’s a rare thing for someone who is very serious about accomplishing something to fall short, unless circumstances beyond their control take over. When people make their minds up about something, it happens. Or doesn’t happen, whatever the case may be. There are always exceptions-maybe the goal is unreachable or maybe the plan for achieving it is flawed. But if you look at anyone who has achieved their goal, there is a constant theme of - I made up my mind that this is what I wanted and I went out and got it.

    People who set positive goals for themselves are generally very willing and able to put in the hard work to accomplish them. They BELIEVE that the goal is reachable, therefore it is. They believe in themselves. Positive reinforcement is also very important in attaining your goals. That is one reason why it is suggested that you take one large goal and divide it up into several smaller goals. That way, you get positive reinforcement along the way as you accomplish each portion.

    Personal goal setting is something that almost all successful people use. That and they are willing to put in the hard work to attain their goals. When you use positive affirmations on a daily basis, it also helps you to attain your goal. Daily affirmations are an integral part of making sure you reach the finish line, whatever that finish line may be.

    When I think of the power of positive thinking, I often think of the “underdog”. The person that no one expected would succeed but did. They succeeded because they believed in themselves. They set personal goals and achieved them. There are many motivational speakers who make their living getting people motivated to follow their dreams and live their lives to the fullest. Sometimes al a person needs is a little motivation and self esteem to accomplish any goal that they set for themselves.

    I believe that anything is possible. I believe that thinking positively can truly change the outcome of some situations because positive thinkers see things differently. The proverbial “glass half full” theory. Personal goal setting, no matter what the goal is, should be a very important part of everyones daily life.

    Jennie Crawford is the stay at home mom of two small children. Find out more at :

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    The Perils of Positive Thinking

    Life Strategies For Helping You Help Yourself

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    Something bothered me about the teeth of the consultant who was sitting in front of me, on the other side of the helpdesk. I couldn’t identify what it was immediately. I was at my bank’s foreign exchange division, hoping to get some advice on an upcoming business trip. As the positive and friendly consultant was talking, I suddenly realized what seemed out of place for me. Embedded in his front tooth was the ultimate symbol of business success - a gold dollar sign! I struggled to concentrate on our conversation. I caught myself in forced contemplation and my curious mind was analyzing why he chose this unique form of expression. I was ambushed by the realization that it was because he was working in foreign exchange. Different strokes for different folks. Some committed corporate employees choose to personalize their car number plates with the company’s name, but this consultant chose to add some bite to the bark. I interrogated myself in silence. Was this not taking it a bit too far? Was I a perplexed spectator of misdirected positive thinking?

    I’m not sure what the right answer is, but I am convinced that this type of mindset can sometimes lead to eccentric behaviour, to say the least. The wheel starts buckling once we abandon common sense and basic business acumen in the process. Positive thinking without common sense is like operating your computer without anti-virus software. It causes illogical and unnecessary threats to one’s career and business that could easily be avoided. Please don’t get me wrong! The workplace needs more positive people than ever. No-one can deny the exciting impact that positive attitudes have on the outcome of our strategies and events. The problem is just that positive thinking on its own doesn’t pay the bills nor grow market share. Someone once said that zeal without knowledge is deadly. Positive thinking without substance is nothing but a fairytale for adults. Overemphasizing positive thinking at the expense of other critical success factors will only lead to embarrassment and disappointment.

    A whole industry has sprung up in recent times to teach us how to radiate a positive image. We get taught to dress professionally and how this will positively influence our companies, careers and credibility. Clients will view us in a new light and the business results will follow. Positive image consultants help us with our colour coding, rearrange our wardrobes and make sure that certain clothing items get the boot. Being in touch with our colours and making our ties and scarves work for us will positively sway opinions around us. We will also feel better about ourselves. To a certain extent this might be true, but what about the elegantly dressed executive who cannot rally her sales force to higher performance? What about the colour coordinated, smartly dressed financial broker who doesn’t know the difference between life insurance and a pension fund? Do they perhaps spend too much time in front of the mirror and too little time growing their knowledge, products and people? A young accountant approached her retired mentor one day and asked very expectantly how she managed such a successful career. This answer was surprisingly brief: “Good decisions”. In anticipation she launched the next question: “But how can I learn to make good decisions?” The wise mentor paused for a moment and replied: “Through experience!” Again the eager accountant asked: “But how do I gain experience?” Her mentor smiled understandingly: “Through bad decisions!”

    Some of the ardent advocates of positive thinking with their new-age message of “I”, “me” and “myself” are simply neglecting very important factors in the process. Very often, they do not take into account the importance of experience, teamwork and old-fashioned hard work across the span of a career. It is much easier and profitable to sell instant solutions to the market place. The problem is just that people are not computers. A rapid reboot doesn’t instantly prepare people for a lifetime of growth and success. A quick download from a memory stick doesn’t build self-awareness nor instantly delete insecurity. A pair of trendy shoes with matching socks doesn’t produce the performance required to get promoted to the next level. I don’t know about you, but rather give me a team in denims and t-shirts who can do the job efficiently, caring for the customers and who are real and secure about themselves than people with very little substance. The old cliché still rings true: “don’t judge a book by its cover!”

    All of us will get discouraged some or other time at work. At times like these, we seek out the support of a trusted colleague or friend. This dejected situation usually unfolds in one of two scenarios. The ideal is when the other person truly listens and empathizes with you during this challenging time. You appreciate the chance to get the problem off your chest and leave the room, ready to face the world again. The second scenario involves the friend or colleague that is a single-minded positive thinker. The more that you try to verbalize the problem in order to feel better, the more you get interrupted with “positive solutions”. The more you crave empathy, the more they inject you with the importance of positive thinking. It leaves you feeling even more dejected and riddled with guilt about your inability to think positively during this trying time. Interestingly enough this is not a new phenomenon. An ancient Hebrew proverb already described hundreds and hundreds of years back that this type of approach is like “one who takes off a garment on a cold day, or like vinegar on soda, is he who sings songs to a troubled heart.”

    Positive thinking on its own cannot and will never be a substitute for getting things done and achieving results. Positive thinking without application of knowledge and skill is nothing but wishful dreaming and fraught with the dangers of disillusionment. A penchant for action is a sure way to move ahead in the workplace. One of the greatest characteristics of all successful people is that they are forever action-oriented. Positive thinking in the absence of all the other factors that contribute to success will never be the magic bullet it is made out to be. And before I forget, the positive thinking consultant from my bank with the gold dollar smile made a positive impression on me, but unfortunately he couldn’t solve my query...

    Estienne de Beer is a Professional Speaker and Leadership Coach. He is the author of the book “Boosting Your Career - Tips From Top Executives”. Over the past few years, Estienne has empowered people in 7 countries. To receive his free personal development newsletter, visit his website at or e-mail him at with your first name, surname, city & country in the body of the email and “My FREE subscription to Leader2Leaders” in the subject line.

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    Monday, September 10, 2007

    Positive Affirmation Quote

    Life Strategies For Helping You Help Yourself

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    card affirmation creative exuberance joyful affirmation software affirmation on cd affirmation abundance affirmation already body have in large life live living want artist affirmation creativity affirmation affirmation ball the dont sweat affirmation affirmation book affirmation for woman healing affirmation affirmation blues daily disorder heal health living meditation mental mood optimally program recovery that words example of affirmation affirmation headed nappy nappyisms people wannabes affirmation by daily doggone enough enough good i'm i'm it like people smalley smart stuart child affirmation affirmation necklace affirmation statement healing mantras using sound affirmation for personal power creativity and healing health affirmation affirmation bracelet affirmation daily in light reflection thought

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    Sunday, September 9, 2007

    Affirmations For Positive Thinking

    Life Strategies For Helping You Help Yourself

    >>  Click Here To Discover How You Can Create The Life You Want <<

    If you are sick and tired of the negative self talk, it’s time to change that. Replace your negative thought patterns with positive affirmations. The best way to employ this technique is to first single out the negative thoughts.

    Write down every negative thought you have on index cards, using one card per thought. Don’t stop at ten or twenty. Keep writing until you have every negative thought down on paper.

    Now take your stack of cards and read each one. As you read them, think about why you have this thought. You have to get to the core of each negative thought. If you’d like, jot down notes below each negative thought for answers to the following questions:

    • What triggers this negative thought?
    • Where/who does this negative thought come from?
    • Is it something you were once told by a relative, friend or associate?

    Now that you’ve thought about this, it’s time to start creating your affirmations for positive thinking. WordWeb defines an affirmation as, “The act of affirming or asserting or stating something.” Keeping this in mind, let’s begin.

    Take your first index card in hand. Read the negative thought and consider your notes/memories regarding this thought. Now, flip the card over and write a rebuttal, in the form of a positive affirmation.

    For example: One of my negative thought cards reads, “I don’t deserve anything good to happen to me.” This thought stems from my past, in which I was verbally abused. My positive affirmation on the back of the card now reads, “I am worthy to receive every good gift from my Father. Jesus loves and bestows gifts upon His children and I am His child.”

    Continue in this manner until you have a stack of positive affirmations. If you want to, you can rewrite each positive affirmation on a new stack of index cards. Some people choose to eliminate the negative thoughts altogether by writing their positive affirmations on new ones. I like to write my positive affirmations on the same card, flip-side, so I can reflect on the shifts in my attitude.

    Your positive affirmation cards should be used like medicine—frequent, healthy doses when “sick” and regular doses when “well” for maintenance.

    Hope Wilbanks is an inspirational author who writes to motivate, inspire and encourage women. Her first non-fiction book, The Self-Empowered Woman will be published early 2007.

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    Why Positive Thinking Is Crap

    Life Strategies For Helping You Help Yourself

    >>  Click Here To Discover How You Can Create The Life You Want <<

    There are a lot of books out there and so called guru's that would lead you to believe that this whole positive affirmation and positive thinking thing is something you should invest your time in. They would have you believe that by saying positive things and thinking positive things that you can create the life of your dreams and have anything you want. Though it is a good start, it is not any where near enough to talk positive and think positive. There is much more to it than just that.

    Though I will admit that using positive affirmations and thinking positive is a good start toward realizing the life of your dreams, I will also admit that there is often a large piece of the puzzle missing in a lot of information out there on the topic. What much of the information on the subject of positive talk and thinking is missing is substance. Words are just words, and the words themselves have no power. Words are nothing more than sounds strung together to create something that we all recognize and understand. Words themselves though have nothing in them. It is the substance of what is being said that makes the difference. It is the essence behind the words that creates your reality.

    Imagine this for a moment. Have someone who doesn't really care about you take a look at you and tell you that they love you. How do you think that would feel? Would you believe it even if you didn't know they didn't like you? You probably wouldn't believe them. I am sure there are times where someone who does love you says I love you and it just doesn't have the punch to it that it does at other times. Now think back to a time when you were with someone you love who also loves you back. A time where the moment was great and there was an incredible connection. A time where everything was magical and they told you that they loved you. I would bet there was much more behind the words that time. An essence that could only be felt. A substance that made those words more valuable than anything else at that moment. This is the substance that must be behind every positive thought and positive affirmation if it is to serve you and help you realize the life of your dreams.

    When you touch upon this substance, you begin to realize that it runs much much deeper than just the sounds coming out of your mouth or the thoughts flowing through your head. It runs to the emotional core of your being. When you know you love someone and you look at them and tell them you love them, every ounce of your being believes it. Every single atom in your body is in complete agreement with your words. There is an essence behind those words that is obvious to people. We all know this. We have all heard someone say something only to get the response "that's not what you said." We know that their body language and the energy of their words said something completely different than the actual words they chose to use. The message was completely clear and obvious.

    So when it comes to positive affirmations and using positive thinking, it is not enough to just say or use the words. You must learn to convince yourself that what you are saying is true. You must learn to really feel that what you are saying is the absolute truth. If there is even a hint of doubt in your being, the words will be useless. Even the hair on your feet must be yelling in agreement with the words you use or the thoughts you choose. Learn to pay attention to what you are feeling as you begin to practice and use positive thinking and affirmations. Learn to recognize when you are not in complete alignment with what you are saying. It is ok to be honest with yourself. Not listening or trying to ignore what your emotions are telling you will only cause more problems for you in the long run. If you realize that something is not quite right, you can begin to take action to change those feelings of doubt and confusion into feelings of complete agreement. So don't just practice positive affirmations and thinking, also practice positive feeling. Positive knowing. Positive being.

    Dwayne Gilbert is the founder of and has been helping people in the area of self-protection and personal development for 10 years. He has authored some of his own books and currently teaches people self-defense and personal development strategies and tactics. To get more information on the law of attraction and how to apply it, visit

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